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Company registration ORS-Brela

The Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA) is now implementing online service for the Registrations of Business Names, Industrial Licenses, Companies, Trade and Service Marks and Patents. The Online Registration System (ORS) allow users to send new applications and process post registration matters for Companies which have already updated their Company information in the Online Registration System (ORS). Thus, it is important to have data of all Companies uploaded by the respective officers of the Company before the system can allow a Company to perform post incorporation activities.


Any two or more persons associated for any lawful purpose may form an incorporated Company and obtain a Certificate of Incorporation. There are two types of Companies Registrable here with us.

  • Local Companies: This is a type of a Company Where the liability of members is Limited to the amount of shares held by them in the Memorandum of Association .
  • Foreign Companies: These are those Companies incorporated outside Tanzania and wishes to establish a place of business within Tanzania. Where the Certificate of compliance is issued upon reception of the necessary required documents for registration

Entitled Person

Any person may register a company in Tanzania where the age Limit provided is minimum 21 years and maximum of 70 years as per section 194 of Companies Act Cap.212.